New century
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Democracy has already settled in, the third constitutional president: Dr. Fernando De La Rua is appointed for a four year term.

In Madrid , Carlos Trevisi  published GBH’s work on Drama as an integral aspect in the teaching-learning process: an electronic book made in commemoration of the Third Spanish Argentine Congress of Education The Escorial published by the Future Mission –Spain. This work gathered the experience of twenty five years of didactic drama work at school as a  valuable  tool in education.

His play “Bye, bye train”, theatre of the absurd  was selected for the “ Reading theatre Cycle 1999”- the debut took place in November 2000, in Spain, at the Carlos III Coliseum, directed by Santiago Herranz Alberquilla with the group “ El baúl de El Escorial” . It was shown in Bs.As in 2001.

In the year 2000 GBH married his third wife, Silvia Vales, with whom he is living, as he says,  “… a long, happy and everlasting romance…” He is surrounded by his five children: Gabriela, a graduated licenciate in history and writer, daughter of his first wife, Delia; Paula, who is a lawyer and Mariano, an actor and student of Combined Arts, children of Angela, his second late wife. Living with Silvia and her two daughters: Daniela, a student of TV Integral Production and Lucia, still at her secondary school, means sharing life with a big family.

Once again, his actual family picture, recalls his own childhood family memories.

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